Tag Archives: ACDC


ABC.123 Introduces the first installment:

The Letter A

Alright, so lets get started. Here are my picks for song, album, and artist that begin with the letter A:


Are You Gonna Go My Way – Timid Tiger (feat. Ludacris & The Notorious B.I.G.)

This was a tough choice, as there were several songs I wanted to “kick off” this series with. However, this song hasn’t been introduced in this blog, it’s entirely new, and it starts the party off right. I got this off their PMA.EP album over at Pretty Much Amazing! They also do a great interview with the band that probably does them more justice than me trying to translate German articles about the band.

Honorable mentions:
Awake My Soul-Mumford and Sons

American Music-Violent Femmes

2) Album

Anthem In by Anthem In

Yeah yeah, album and artist are the same name, but who cares? Both are A, so it’s like a double whammy. Anyway, Anthem In was introduced to me by my God-Family. More specifically, my God-Brother is their drummer. Ok, so maybe I’m cheating a bit, but thats not to say their music isn’t great! Check out this album, or their other “The Cloudbusting EP”

Down-Anthem In

3) Artist


I can’t resist posting some classic rock. It just has to be done. Enough Said. Especially an awesome remix!

Shook Me All Night Long-ACDC

Thunderstruck -ACDC (Crookers Remix)

P.S. This post is dedicated to Alex, who commented on my lack of posting and updates. Also, his name starts with A.

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